


The Author

Tyler Powell

Tyler Powell, a visually impaired entrepreneur ,and philanthropist is making a positive impact within the community, with his loyal service dog, Tyco. Tyler is the founder of Unite 360, a human rights advocacy organization dedicated to empowering underserved communities. He helps others to “see through their own challenges” and aspire to achieve their goals despite obstacles and insurmountable odds.

Tyler’s remarkable journey started in Birmingham, Alabama as the middle child of two working class parents. He was nurtured by his mother, a grade schoolteacher, who instilled in him a strong faith in God, book smarts and a wealth of southern charm. Tyler also attributes his entrepreneurial spirit and stellar work ethic to his father, a southern Pentecostal preacher, and successful business owner.

In 2006, at the height of his career, Tyler sustained a nerve damaging back injury in a near fatal accident. However, in April 2009 he founded Pathway 2 Hope in Cincinnati, OH, a non-profit organization that provides housing and scholarships to homeless or near homeless young adults. Tragically several years later, Tyler was hospitalized for one of ‘the worst’ eye inflammation/infections ever reported in the world (according to doctors) and now is legally blind. In addition, Tyler has made several lucrative real-estate investments across the United States. Tyler Powell has overcome a barrage of setbacks, but he manages to keep excelling and remains a shining example of perseverance through faith in God. While he may have lost his sight, Tyler never lost his vision to unite, encourage and inspire.

About Tyco

Hi, my name is Tyco. I’m a mixed breed. I was adopted by Tyler when I was five weeks old. He said he knew I was the perfect companion for him as soon as he saw me. I went to school to learn how to help Tyler because he is partially blind. At school I learned to guide Tyler in crowded places, guide him down steps, and make sure he doesn’t bump into things.
When I’m not assisting Tyler, I like to play at the park with my best friend Max, travel, meet new friends, ride in the car with my dad, and eat delicious treats! I especially enjoy visiting kids at schools, and hospitals and visiting seniors who are in nursing homes.

The TYler and Tyco Scholarship

What the Scholarship is: The Tyler and Tyco Scholarship is a youth-focused initiative developed to provide children-in-need with essential clothes, food, and grooming supplies. Why the Scholarship Was Started: The scholarship was started under the umbrella of Unite 360°, a dedicated human rights organization that champions the civil and social causes of underserved and unheard communities. Unite 360° proudly advocates for children’s rights – including the right to essential items.


Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your debut picture book and the message you hope to convey?

In August of 2022, I stopped to get to drink at a store in my neighborhood. I saw four boys bullying a little boy because he didn’t have on nice shoes and clothes. Tyco saw the activity and became very agitated. In that moment I looked at Tyco and said we have to do something to help kids like the little boy who was being bullied. So, I decided to write this book, to share that story and use it to teach children, and to share the inspiration and foundation for the Tyler and Tyco Scholarship.

The message I want to convey with Tyler and Tyco Be Kind is for people to lead their lives and their interactions with kindness, and to not be so quick to judge.

Can you describe the main character and their journey in the book, and how they embody the message of helping others?

My service dog, Tyco, is the main character in the book. Tyco is very kind, caring, and loyal. In the book, he sees a little boy, Thomas, being bullied and wants to help. In the moment, he intervenes by barking at the bullies when he sees them push Thomas. Tyco wanted to help Thomas before he even knew his situation. And then when he found out that Thomas and his family were in need, he embodies the message of helping others by stepping up and giving what he can to help.

What is your long-term goal for the impact you hope to make through Tyler and Tyco Be Kind and its charitable mission?

My hope is that children will read Tyler and Tyco Be Kind and reflect on how they might approach or judge someone they don’t know based on their appearance or differences. I hope to inspire compassion and kindness where it might not have been already, and for readers (children and adults) to encourage others to treat people with kindness.

Long-term, I hope the message lingers in the hearts of my readers, and that the scholarship can continue to grow and have a positive impact on the lives it touches.

How can individuals and communities get involved in supporting the Tyler and Tyco Scholarship and spreading awareness about children in need?

Community members can purchase one or multiple copies of the book for the young readers in their life, sponsor an in-person event at a school or bookstore for a live reading and discussion, or they can donate directly to the Tyler and Tyco Scholarship.

In terms of raising awareness, I encourage people to post about Tyler and Tyco Be Kind on social media: share pictures of the book, share their experience reading it, and use the hashtags “TylerandTyco”, “TylerandTycoScholarship”, and “TylerandTycoBeKind”. Sharing online is just as, if not more, important than word of mouth!

Can you share any future plans or projects you have in the works that continue to promote the message of helping children in need?

Tyler and Tyco Be Kind is the first in a series of books that will cover real life struggles and current issues, all in the effort to raise money for important social causes.